The Micronik range of Amiga ScanDoublers allow the use of standard PC monitors with the Amiga

The cost of high quality PC monitors has dropped significantly over the last year or two. This means the choice of 14", 15", 17" and even larger monitors is better now than ever. Unfortunately, the Amiga community has been unable to take advantage of these monitors, because of the 15KHz display frequency.

Now, we can offer cheap solutions for all Amiga's and they are sold under the official "Powered by AMIGA" scheme. Apart from a standard Video Slot version (suitable for the A4000 and the Micronik Video slot on the A1200 Tower conversion boards) there are two other versions.

A neat A1200 internal version clips directly onto chips on the motherboard, without soldering. A standard 15-pin SVGA connector is mounted on the small plastic port at the rear of the A1200. This is supplied.

Finally, we also have an external version that simply fits to the 23-pin RGB monitor port of any Amiga, converting to a Scandoubled 15-pin SVGA connector.

All version result in the signal being modified to a compatible 31KHz signal.

Scandoubler A1200 Internal Internal A1200 Version Scandoubler External External Version Scandoubler Video Slot
Internal Video Slot A1200 Version

Product Pricing Information

Scandoubler A1200 Internal £64.95
Scandoubler External £74.95
Scandoubler Internal Video Slot £69.95